Research Fees


Research Request Research Request Research Request Research Request
Quick View
from $45.00

If you are unable to visit the Research Library at HCM or need assistance in finding particular information, you may submit a Research Request. HCM staff and trained library volunteers will conduct a general review of our most used reference material for you. Within 6 - 8 weeks, we will send you the information found as well as a list of sources that have been searched.

Research Requests include pulling up to two Surrogate Court records. If you know the numbers of the Surrogate Court Records, please include that information when making your request. Additional Surrogate Court Records are $5/file.

Please note: We cannot guarantee that we will find the information you request as it may not exist in our collections. In the event that we cannot find the information, we will provide you with a list of local researchers who may be able to help.

Members | $45
Non-members | $60

If you prefer not to pay online, you may print out the form below and mail it along with payment to:

Hart Cluett Museum
57 2nd Street
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 272-7232

Please make checks payable to Rensselaer County Historical Society.

Surrogate Court Record Request Surrogate Court Record Request Surrogate Court Record Request Surrogate Court Record Request
Quick View
from $25.00


HCM holds Surrogate Court Records, 1791-1915 — later records are held at the Surrogate Court. On-site researchers can have up to 2 files pulled as part of the admission fee. Additional files can be pulled for $5/file.

The index to this collection is available online at our research partner, the Troy Irish Genealogical Society.

If you wish to have copies made for you for personal research, you may order copies online. Fee is per record.

Members | $25 (includes HCM and TIGS members)
Non-members | $30

If you prefer not to pay online, you may print out the form below and mail it along with payment to:

Hart Cluett Museum
57 2nd Street
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 272-7232

Please make checks payable to Rensselaer County Historical Society.

NOTICE: 9/1/2022

Due to extenuating circumstances, some Rensselaer County Surrogate Court Records are not available for research. The Research Library remains open by appointment, and all other areas of research are available. Please continue to monitor this page, as it will be updated when new information becomes available or we resume this service.

reproduction fees

All copies must be for personal use only. Commercial/non-profit rates may apply. Contact for additional information.

  • Photocopying:

    • 1-20 pages | $0.25/page

    • 21+ pages | $0.35 cents/page

  • Reproduction of Images:

    • Hi-Res Digital Scan | $10/scan

Note: Due to the fragility of some materials, not all items can be photocopied.